Amanda's Picks (Library Director)
Adult Fiction
The Night Circus by Erin Morgentstern: It would seem that the night circus appears by magic to the casual observer, but that observation is more correct than the observer would ever know. Behind the illusions and amazements of the circus performers, lie the real secrets of the night circus. These secrets lie with Celia and Marco. Since a very young age the two have been locked in a contest against each other, a contest that ends only when one player is left standing. Although Celia and Marco are competing with each other they have the misfortune of falling in love with each other.
Morgenstern weaves a world that the reader could only hope to witness first hand. The Night Circus wraps you in mystery, leads you though intrigue, and tugs at your heart strings
The Junkyard Wonders by Patricia Polacco: When Trisha begins her year in Mrs. Peterson's class she is hoping for a whole new start, in a whole new school where her differences won't matter so much. Some things stay the same, but other things change. Trisha finds her home with the other "junkyard kids". Despite the fact that the junkyard kids don't fit in, they manage to make their way in the world and realize the true definition of genius.
Julie's Picks (Library Assistant)
The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore by William Joyce and Joe Bluhm (Book)
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (DVD)
Ted's Picks (Library Assistant)
Memory of Old Jack by Wendell Berry (Book)
The Godfather (DVD)
Julia's Picks (Library Assistant)
The Long Walk by Slavomir Rawicz (Book)
Jane Eyre